A New Password Manager


There are a lot of different password managers out there, a lot of good ones, but in one way or another, none of them quite hit the mark for me. The closest thing I found was Pass, but even that didn't quite fit the bill. It did inspire me to create my own though...

Introducing SecureStore, a Pass-like password manager. Written in Bash flavoured shell and using GPG to encrypt the contents of the store. Looking at it from a high level, it's very similar to Pass, but there are some notable differences once you look at it a little deeper.

This post isn't an introduction, it assumes you're generally familiar with the available functionality, so take a look at the GitHub README.md for the installation guide and an overview of how to use it. This post focuses on architecture, general design decisions and extendability.

Secure Foundations

SecureStore's architecture takes a layered approach, with each layer building on functionality from the last. The foundational layer, named securestore, takes care of basic functionality, providing helper methods and managing the GPG encryption. As with all layers, it can be used without any of the layers above it, so in this instance we can use it to create a simple encrypted store for any of your files.

The interface is designed around sub-commands, similar to git. Each sub-command has a corresponding function, so there's function within securestore called init (that aliases ss_init), add (that aliases ss_add), remove (that aliases ss_remove) and so on. As mentioned, these functions alias prefixed versions of themselves in order to allow higher layers of the software to override functionality provided by lower layers without loosing access to said functionality.

The way sub-commands are created and how functionality is inherited is heavily based off of one of my previous posts, The Original Task Runner, so for a deeper understanding of what's going on there, you might want to pause here and have a quick read.

Version Controlled

Next up is the vcstore layer. This builds on the foundations created by the securestore layer and adds version control. We can access this functionality by running vcstore <sub-command>.

Let's take a look at one of the sub-commands, add:

vcs_add() {
	ss_add "$@"

	vcs_git_add "$1"
	vcs_git_commit "Added '$1'"

add() { vcs_add "$@"; }

As you can see, add is aliased to vcs_add so that in higher layers, add can be overridden. This provides a consistent and clean interface to the user, but still allows access to the vcs_add functionality if add is overwritten. In fact, we're overriding the add sub-command from the securestore layer here, but still making use of it's functionality by calling ss_add. Using this pattern, we can re-use existing functionality in lower layers and then add our version control code on top.

Once again, vcstore can be used without any higher layers, so if you're after an encrypted, version controlled note store, this would do the job nicely.

The Password Manager

The part you've all been waiting for, the password manager! Named pass, this layer adds password manager functionality to the previous two layers. All the usual sub-commands are still available to us, most haven't changed from the vcstore layer, so we'll just look at the extra functionality that's provided here.

This time, when you initialise a new store, it's automatically created in $HOME/pass instead of the current directory, this means that no matter where you are on your file system, you can run pass <sub-command> and it'll always execute in the correct context.

In my opinion, the really cool thing about this layer is that every entry is a valid Bash script. Let me give you an example:



AutoType() {
	type "$Username"
	key Tab
	type "$Password"
	key Return

Making every entry a valid Bash script allows us to do some really powerful things. Let's take a look at the get-property sub-command:

#: $PROG get-property <entry_name> <property_name>
#: Print the value of the <property_name> stored in <entry_name> to stdout
pass_get_property() {
	ss_get "$1" > "$TMP_FILE"  # Get the file from the store
	source "$TMP_FILE"  # Load the file into the current context

	[ -z "$2" ] && ss_error "You must specify a property to retrieve"

	echo "${!2}"

get_property() { pass_get_property "$@"; }

As you can see, we actually source the entry within the function, this loads all of the variables and functions in our entry into the current scope. After that, the sky's the limit! You can use the get-property, type-property, copy-property, open-property and the run-function sub-commands to access and run anything in an entry.

You can even refer to properties in other entries by doing something like this:

Password="$(pass get-property Other/Entry Password)"

What Next?

To get you started, in the git repository there are some example integrations demonstrating how you could use dmenu as a UI. Or how to run the correct AutoType function depending on the currently focused window.

The rest is up to you, build new layers, extend the functionality, integrate it into your workflow!

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